Sunday, September 4, 2011

First Weekend in Seoul

I have no internet, no TV, no phone, and no friends (yet), so I decided to brave the subway system and just get out there. I found a couple of spots that the internet recommends for tourists and I wrote down the subway stop and went to all of them. It turned out to be an amazing weekend.

I saw so much of the city in just two days. The subway system was easy and cheap. My agenda for the weekend included finding good street food, walking through the worlds largest electronics market, walking through South Korea's largest fish market and getting lost in the Korean outdoor markets, shopping centers, parks, and palaces.

I accomplishes most of these things and some unexpected things as well. The electronics market was huge; the building I found was 7 stories with each story about the size of a mega Wall-Mart. It was overwhelming and made me wish I had more money. After leaving I found out that there are 20 different buildings and I only was in one of them. The street food turned out to be no problem at all, it is everywhere and there are more choices than you can imagine. I ate spicy BBQ chicken, spicy fresh baby squids, a korean seafood pancake, and some sort of seaweed rice omelette. The outdoor markets were just like Morocco but with nicer stuff and less touting (much less pushy).

Some interesting things I saw along the way were: emergency gas mask stations placed all over the subway system, fruit prices (in some cases $50+ for a melon), Mcdonald's delivery mopeds, and a women shacking a live octopus in my face hoping for me to buy it.

It's been a really awesome couple of days. The overall experience of the city is indescribable so I hope that the pictures can help. I can't wait to see more, do more, eat more and get settled in my new tiny apartment on the outskirts of Seoul.

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